Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Creating a Workflow in SharePoint Designer

We have all heard you can create a Workflow in SharePoint designer, but how easy is it? I decided to tackle this challenge, because as you might think, I thought it would be much more involved than it actually was. So let's get started.

In our office we need a workflow for when new customer sites are created. If the customer needs access to the site then and only then does a task need to be assigned to IT to create that account. To set this up I have already set up a custom list in a team site with a custom choice column "Does the customer need access?" with the choices Yes or No. Note: you could use the Yes/No checkbox, but I prefer the choice because I think the checkbox can be confusing since it does spell out yes or no.

For this example we are going to create a workflow that is conditional on the choice in a column a user has selected.

  1. Open the site in SharePoint Designer.
    1. If unfamiliar with how to do this:
      1. Click Fileà Open Siteàand paste the URL in the site name box
  2. Next click Fileà Newà New workflow
  3. Now give your workflow a title
  4. Select the list you would like to attach the workflow to

  5. Determine the start options and click Next.
  6. Name the first step of the workflow.
  7. Click on Conditions and select Compare *name of your list* field. Example mine says Compare Customer Site Request Field.
    1. Note here are your options for Conditions:

  8. Now for field select the column name and the value you want the action tied to.

    Note: you can change equals to a different function.

  9. Click Actions and select Assign a to-do item.
    1. Here are your options for Actions:

  10. Click a to-do item and then click Next.
  11. Name your task and provide a description. Click Finish.
  12. Click these users and select the user and/or group you would like to assign the task to.
    1. Note you could also simply provide an email address.

  13. Click Finish.
  14. This is what the email will look like to the user:

And that's it, not that daunting after all. It probably only took you 5 minutes. There are plenty more options for you to play with. Next time we will do multiple conditions and multiple steps to get a bit meatier. Congrats and have fun.

Nicola - SharePoint Help


vijay said...


nice article..am a newbie in sharepoint designer..i want to give an attachment to the workflow...how we can achieve this using sharepoint designer..my gmail id is chozhanvijay@gmail.com.please maile me ur ideas.


SharePoint Engine said...

Great blog of Sharepoint designer.
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