Friday, June 29, 2007

A couple great resources

I know it has been awhile since my last post so I wanted to jump back in to blogging by passing along some great resources I frequent point people to.

There is a great document produced by Microsoft regarding planning and design/implementation. You can find it here. It is a downloadable version of the handout Joel Oleson was passing out at Tech Ed.

Check out this link, if you are looking for a good document covering the integration between MOSS and the different versions of MS Office

And lastly if you have not tried out the steps on the SharePoint Designer Team Blog for integrating Virtual Earth into the view on an item, you definitely need to. It is very easy to set up with a lot of wow factor. Very useful for getting a map view of customers, vendors, etc and really it is just plain cool to hook it up and look at the bird's eye view of different locations.



1 comment:

Ghost Writer said...

So, I guess I'm not the only one that found Joel's Awesome Governance/Deployment handout extremely useful? Thanks for the tips.

-Shane's Best Buddy...

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